We are pleased to welcome our latest recruit, Richard French to our Unmetered Supplies Team. Richard joins us from Capita and brings with him a wealth of customer service and operations experience. Richard will be working closely with the…
Power Data Associates recognises the importance and advantages of attending events such as the ILP Lighting Summit, being held this year at the Crowne Plaza,…
Power Data Associates is delighted to be associated with the Institution of Lighting Professionals and is pleased to announce that Account Manager, David Lewis, became the Chairman of the Northern Region of the ILP at their recent AGM held at the…
Power Data Associates are proud to have assisted ubitricity to gain the first Measured CMS approval for their innovative on-street EV charging solution. The ELEXON approval was confirmed on 4th April and…
Market leading Meter Administrator, Power Data Associates, welcomes three new customers; Bury Council, Calderdale Council and Hull City Council. Each Council recognised the advantages of the quality service offered by PDA and will stand to…
In PDA’s role of consultant to the Association of Meter Operators we wish to bid farewell and thanks to Paul Smith who is retiring (again!) and welcome Roger Stoney as a new consultant. Roger has…
Power Data Associates is pleased to be able to support our customer the RB of Kensington & Chelsea with their trial of ubitricity's innovative EV charging solution for street lights.
Every year PDA is audited by KPMG on behalf of ELEXON to ensure our systems and processes are compliant with the BSC. After two days of review yet again we had no issues identified. This helps provide our 130+ customers with confidence that their…
November 2017 was a historic milestone in the history of Central Management Systems. We now process information from over 1 million CMS controlled lamps with their energy traded dynamically.…
Power Data Associates is pleased to welcome the City of York and Connect Plus as our customers. The City of York is well known as the ancient walled city with a vibrant community including two universities and a tourist honeypot. Connect Plus is…
Power Data Associates was pleased to support this year’s JCT Traffic Signal Symposium & Exhibition by presenting a technical paper.
The paper will specifically focus on the benefits of maintaining an up to date traffic signal…
Power Data Associates is excited to be supporting our customer the London Borough of Hounslow and their trial of an innovative Electric Vehicle charging technology. ubitricity has provided Hounslow with…