
19 August 2022

Cyber Essentials is an effective, Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a…

15 July 2022

We have all been seeing our energy bills increase and with a Councils street lighting/traffic signals unmetered energy bills comprising approximately 30-40% of their total energy spend, it is no wonder that customers have been…

17 May 2022

This year’s Meter Administrator audit was carried out by KPMG during March and was observed by representatives from Elexon. We are pleased to receive confirmation that the audit was completed without issue. Now with over a…

24 February 2022

Today the Unmetered section of the National Terms of Connection are amended.  These changes are part of the sequence of changes triggered by the move…

26 January 2022

A PECU Array records the switching of photocells according to local light conditions, this data is used by PDA to calculate the daily burning hours of a customer’s assets and is used in energy calculations for Unmetered Supplies. PDA contacts all…

24 January 2022

In our role as Meter Administrator we have visibility of the different PECUs used on traffic signal installations by our customers to switch between bright (daytime) and dim (night time). But what is the optimum lux level range for a set of…

22 November 2021

The Power Data Associates team went off to a team building event at the Durham Lumiere over the weekend of the 20/21st Nov.  We last went to the last event in 2017 & 2019 and thoroughly enjoyed…

11 October 2021

The transition to Marketwide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) continues to pick up pace.  The MHHS Programme has been tasked with delivering the first stage of changes next year and to complete in 2025…

01 September 2021

For many years customers have asked about whether it is possible to move an existing metered supply to become an unmetered supply.  The electricity industry has not been clear about whether this is possible.  The odd case has probably occurred '…

06 May 2021

In line with our desire to continuously improve the information presented to our customers, the team have once again listened to our customer feedback over the past year and made further improvements to our monthly report.  There are new features…

02 April 2021

As described in a previous news article any unmetered customer with a demand over 100kW is required to trade on a half hourly basis from April…

01 March 2021

Last week we implemented a new data flow for energy consumption data using the secure industry messaging system.  The thorough preparatory work to develop the proposals, design our system changes, communicate with other industry parties, test our…