Timescale set for UMSO to process inventory submission

The BSC obligations for operation of the unmetered arrangements are set out in BSCP520 - Unmetered Supplies Registered in SMRS. We constantly review these arrangements and some years ago we identified that these rules did not specify the time frame for an UMSO (Distribution business) to process a detailed inventory provided by a customer. We were concerned because this could potentially cause issues with our customer’s energy billing. In some areas of the country the inventory is processed within days, but in others some have not been processed for months. If an inventory change is delayed for months and the customer has an ongoing programme of energy reduction the full benefits may not be realised. Even if the inventory change is back dated the customer faces managing revised invoices and credits and reconciling these with their inventory.

When we highlighted this issue we suggested the time frame should be set at 5 working days. This time frame is for the UMSO to either process or reject (with reasons) a detailed inventory provided by a customer. A formal change has now progressed through the governance arrangements which has resulted in a change to the BSCP520, however despite our best efforts the time frame has been set as 15 working days. At least some time frame is better than none.

So from the implementation date of 1st Nov 2018, any updated inventory sent to an UMSO should be processed within 15 working days. Now there will be improved leverage on UMSOs to process inventories promptly.

1 November 2018