New Inventory Flows

Several years ago PDA raised, through UMSUG, a proposal to formalise the interaction of data between the UMSO & Meter Administrator (our role).  Historically, the volume of data was so small that email was an acceptable approach.  In June 2022 the industry implemented the formal changes to use the standard industry communication data exchange for robust messaging.  The transition from an email to a structured data flow has allowed UMSOs and MAs to automate the processing of these flows.

PDA invested over a year by specifying, developing and testing the interfaces as the combinations of scenarios were actually really complex.  This forms part of our desire to provide a resilient service to our customers through continuing to automate our processes.  Some UMSOs have suffered with implementing the new processes, but we are highlighting to them where they have not fully implemented the changes.

Over all we are pleased the implementation has progressed smoothly.

28 Sept 2022